Sunday, July 20, 2014

Reprised Thoughts from 'Central': Here's The Thing...

white noise vs. unmitigated exhibitionism

This is supposed to be a blog…so here goes…

We, the collective down here at the Austin branch of PoOR YoRiCK CeNTrAL, are frequently asked why PoOR YoRiCK don't 'play more places'.  This question is often accompanied with suggestions of venues, bars, and restaurants that our fans themselves would enjoy seeing/hearing us.  Very flattering indeed...and it is nice to know that the PY faithful may indeed want more.  But the truth is (with a small 't') that there are many reasons that go into where and when PY makes its’ appearances...the availability of various members, family obligations, schedule conflicts, real life, etc...  The other ‘Truth’ (note the capital ‘T’) is much simpler.  We get told ‘no’, or get outright ignored, on a frequent basis by those who do the booking.

You see, this is Austin....Swing a dead cat and hit a guitar-playing-songwriting-singer-of-songs.  The proverbial "dime-a-dozen" reference leaps to one’s lips.  And as for being in a band…we’re told that even the Texas legislature has a band…yes, this legislature.  So there is a clutter, a white noise of sorts, above which a musical act must rise in order to become noticed. And if such a musical act wishes to be compensated in some manner, with real money, it can easily be passed up by booking persona for acts that just want a chance to play... for nothin'.

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For what it might be worth, the boys-down-at-central, in the PY research center at the head office in Ossipee, NH, have verified a phenomenon, dare we say a ‘characteristic’of the musically-inclined-performer.  This is referred to as the 'density-acceptance-fear quotient',...or DAFT

               fear            =     molecular density while on stage

While occasionally found in the general population at slightly measurable levels, this calculated ratio leaps off the scale in persons holding musical instruments,..or otherwise standing in front of microphones.  We wont delve into the self-medicating factors at this point....

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“So what can I do?” one might ask. "How can I, a rabid fan, get more Poor Yorick into my diet?"   "How many carbs are in a Yorick...or is it gluten-free?"   "Will they ever use the designated hitter in the National League?"   "How long do you have to live in California before moving to Austin?"  "Can you be President and 12-years-old at the same time?" ....all good questions.

In the meantime, if any of our adoring fans have a favorite bistro/venue that they'd like to see PY perform in, just drop us a line and we can look into it...

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