Thursday, August 30, 2012

For anybody who has had the distinct realization that they are not being heard.


from the "Another Horse Race" EP, (c)(p) 2012 One-Hand-Clapping Music...soon to be available on CD.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

"Another Horse Race: a micro-oper-ette"                        

...and they're off!!!  (well that's putting it mildly)

POOR YORICK'S LATEST RELEASE,.. snarkily devoted to the seemingly endless/continual political campaign cycle... presented here as a 'single', or is it an 'EP'?...anyway,  a 12 minute opus comprised of five newly recorded and interwoven pieces:


     If it sounds as if we're taking a poke at this election year with all its 'hype-driven-stuffed-shirted-self-promoting-holier-than-thou-don't-we-smile-nice-and-have-all-the-answerrs-aren't-you-glad-you-agree-with-us-and-oh-by-the-way-we-need-your-money' are correct.

"At whom specifically?" you might ask.

"At each and every one of 'em," we might reply..."swing a dead cat..." we might say....just a way of blowing off a little steam since we don't do it on Facebook.

...but if you take your politics seriously, then maybe you shouldn't...aahh,... what the hey,... go ahead.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

Studio News:  Cloistered away in the studio for much of the day, doing final remixes of the songs to be included on PY's imminent release, "Another Horse Race: a micro-oper-ette".  All we can say at this point is that this 12-minute single (or is it an EP?) will attempt to tweak the nose of the political puppeteers we all find ourselves assailed by as of late.  "Which ones?" you might ask.  "All of them," we might reply.  But don't quote us.

 We can say with some degree of authority, that sitting in a dark room listening to the same piece of music over and over again, pushing buttons, adjusting EQ and compression levels, "riding" faders, "rolling off" unwanted frequencies, uh...sorry, didn't mean to go on such a techno-nerd rant....but it does begin to turn into something resembling work.  And we do have to take a break now and again to stave off the hallucinations....perhaps we've said too much.

Anyway,...with a small amount of luck (not to mention bourbon and coffee), we should have our little opus ready for your consideration by the time the political party conventions are in full swing (late August-early September).

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


In late 1986 (or was it it early 1987) the beginnings of what was to become Poor Yorick began to slowly know, like primordial ooze.  Anyway, performing in those days under the name "EPS" (10 points if you happen to know what that stands for) our original drummer was none other than... JAMES JOHNSON.  We had all fallen in together while working at day jobs in a very "silly" place and, after a time, with a few band-personnel shifts, and after having changed our name to 'Poor Yorick' (a story in-and-of-itself), James settled into lead guitar duties.... and has been steady in that role ever since.

As a seminal member of PY, JAMES has produced some tasty performances throughout the band's catalog...early on as the percussionist as mentioned, and later on his solid-body-electric-six-string guitars.  Just a quick and limited sample of some of our favorite guitar passages from JAMES includes... a slippery counterpoint break in  'Not As If We Lied' (1992); some driving riff work on  'Walking the Dogma'(2005);  and some wild-classic-retro-blasts in the middle of  both 'Walking Through'(2012) and  'Gone Munkeys' (2005).

Needless to say...O.K. we'll say it...PY wouldn't be the same without him, his guitar, his supporting vocals, and his goofy sense of humor.

Ladies and gentle-germs....JAMES JOHNSON!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

 Just a reminder to check out the Poor Yorick Soundcloud site for the latest postings and,....the occasional free download...just click on over to the site and look for the 'download' icon for each song...many of the tracks are free for the taking...its on us!

Meanwhile..."Another Horse Race", a micro-oper-ette is slated for release sometime toward the end of this month (August '12)...stay tuned.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

 For anybody who has found themselves dealing with the enduring logic of large bureaucracies...and the people who love them.

Not As If We Lied

from the "What Fools" album, (c)(p) 1992 Sideffects Music