Spotlight on the Skins!... Trisha Reis
It is a fact that Poor Yorick has been blessed with excellent drummers
throughout its existence. From James in the early days (yes...lead
guitarist James Johnson was, in fact our first drummer), to Perry
Hubert, to Stephanie Bush,... lets face it...our percussionists have
usually been one of the best, if not the best musician in the band. So we'd like to take the opportunity to highlight one of our best assets as a band...our drummer/percussionist, TRISHA REIS.
We met Trish in the summer of 2003 as Poor Yorick was in the process of
re-inventing itself yet again. We were certainly impressed with her background: hailing from New Orleans; having been a journey-woman drummer in the LA area; and her current emphasis as a Music Therapist with severely challenged populations;..all of this made Trish a welcome asset to our little organization.
But the simple truth is, as anyone who has heard PY
over the past nine subsequent years can testify, Trish has got the "chops". The truth be
known, she makes us sound better by just being back there, holding down
the groove. No matter if it's Jazz, Salsa, Bassa nova, Swing, Blues, a Waltz, or straight four-in-the-bar Rock & Roll,..Trish drives it. Take a minute to give a listen to the infectious, percussive performance she gives on
"Monkey and the Rat" , the driving syncopated snare/hy-hat patterns on the goofy
"You Stole My Lunch", or the smooth, laid-back brush work on
"I Might Be Wrong"... a bit of alright!
At this point, Trish has been the longest tenured drummer with Poor Yorick, and all of us down here at the PY Head Office (Clown-In-The Ground Cental: subsidiary of Dead Jester Enterprises) feel damn lucky to have her...
So..ladies and gentlemen, we give you...Trisha Reis!
...just sayin'